Elle Van Glabbeek
January 29, 1945 - October 11, 2024
Dear friends,
Elle Van Glabbeek, a beloved member of the Apollo Center of the Fellowship of Friends, completed her task on October 11, 2024, at 7:01 p.m., following a long illness with cancer.
Elle was born on January 29, 1945, and joined the Fellowship on June 27, 1989, in Amsterdam. She was 79 years old on her last birthday. She is remembered for her practical kindness, her enduring warmth, her dedication to Robert and our school, and her fine knitted and lace handicrafts.
She will be missed.
On behalf of all who knew you, we give thanks.
The Elysian Society
Funeral Service Text: Elle Van Glabbeek 2024-10
A work is finished when the artist realizes his intentions.
Erbarme dich, mein Gott,
Um meiner Zähren willen!
Schaue hier, Herz und Auge
Weint vor dir bitterlich.
Erbarme dich, mein Gott.
Elle will be remembered for her beautiful blue eyes and sweet smile. May your new journey be beautiful.
With gratitude for knowing you, Susan Rainier
Thank you dearest Ella for your gentle, sweet and quiet Presence and Friendship.
Elle was a true friend – ready to listen, ready to share her being. Gentle, yet strong. Her quiet wisdom was there when needed. Her delight and talent in knitting, weaving, lacemaking, tatting was an inspiration. I am grateful to have known her.
With loving kindness,
For our dear ELLE
I am really grateful to have known and interacted with Elle. She was an exquisite student, reserved, reliable, responsible.
She was for many years the Galleria laundry octave leader. She fulfilled her job with love, respect and reliability, always on top of things.
Students were working under and with her, to have ready, for every teaching dinner and not only, everything in perfect condition.
She would iron tablecloths, napkins, towels and more in her own house, things that all of us are used to working with, helping at dining events at the Galleria.
When you cleaned your mouth with a napkin, that napkin was washed, dried and ironed by Elle.
Remember, behind an octave there is always a silent, present, responsible student, fulfilling his or her inner and outer work, and ELLE was definitely one of them.
All my love to you dear ELLE