about us recent

The bells panorama

The Elysian Society, a non-profit organization, was founded in 1999 to meet the following needs:

  • To make the Fellowship Cemetery a beautiful place for presence through conscientious maintenance and continuous improvements
  • To plan and present thoughtful and moving funeral and memorial services for Fellowship members and their families
  • To educate and enlighten the community regarding the responsibility we each have in preparing for death

The initial phase of the Society began in 1985, which marked the first burial at the Fellowship of Friends cemetery. During the following years several dedicated Fellowship members began working together to create and organize services and interments, and fifteen years later their efforts culminated in the formation of The Elysian Society. The name was chosen to evoke the Homeric vision of the Elysian Fields as the abode of heroic souls after death.

The Society is administered by a Board of Directors, which currently has nine members. Each board member volunteers their time and efforts and is actively engaged in specific aspects of the work of the Society. For more information about the Board see Contact Us.

To accomplish its work The Elysian Society relies entirely on donations. Please support us by making a tax-deductible gift today, and consider leaving a bequest to the Elysian Society in your will or trust to help us continue our work into the future. A donation of any amount—small or large—is always gratefully received.

The Elysian Society is associated with the Fellowship of Friends, Inc., which is organized and operated as a church under U.S. tax law. The cemetery administered by the Society is on land owned by the Fellowship; funeral services and interments on Fellowship property are performed pursuant to agreements between the Fellowship and the Society.




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