Abraham Goldman

Abraham Goldman

December 21, 1949-July 31, 2011

Dear Friends,

Abraham Goldman, a beloved member of the Fellowship of Friends, completed his task by his own hand, shortly before midnight on Sunday, July 31, 2011. Abraham was sixty-one years old.


Abraham joined the Fellowship in the Chicago Center, in February of 1979 and moved to Apollo in 1983, where he lived until 1985. He briefly supported the Center in Rome, moved back to Chicago, and then returned to Apollo in 1990.


Abraham was a consistently strong supporter of the Fellowship and of his teacher, a loyal friend, and loving husband and father. As an attorney, he provided important legal advice not only to the Fellowship, but to many students as well. Afflicted with severe hearing loss, Abraham was a master at silently containing his instinctive suffering as he played out his role.


On behalf of all who knew you, we thank thee.

Hard has been thy part
To conscious life, enacted

Abraham Goldman headstone - small

( Click on the headstone to enlarge )

Funeral Service Text: Abraham Goldman 2011-08

Return to your sober senses and call yourself back;
And when you rouse yourself from sleep and perceive that they were only dreams that troubled you,
Now, in your waking hours, look at these, these things about you, as you did look at those,
The dreams.
Marcus Aurelius

2 thoughts on “Abraham Goldman

  1. “In our dear school,
    students who complete their roles
    always receive what they were born for.”
    Love, Robert

    Thank you for your beautiful soul….

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