Dieter Schupfer

Dieter Schupfer -400

October 31, 1961 - September 15, 2019

Dear Friends,

Dieter Schupfer, a beloved member of the Fellowship of Friends; completed his task, due to liver cancer,  on Sunday, September 15, 2019.  Dieter would have turned fifty-eight years old on October 31, 2019.

Dieter  joined the Fellowship in Munich, Germany, November 4, 1992.  Shortly after joining, he moved to Apollo.  In subsequent years, Dieter spent significant periods of time in Apollo, Munich, Auckland and Tijuana.  He will be remembered for his consistent willingness to quietly work at the  many octaves needed in building and maintaining Apollo.

On behalf of all who knew you, we thank thee.

The Elysian Society

Death is a commingling of eternity with time; in the death of a good man,
eternity is seen looking through time. 


6 thoughts on “Dieter Schupfer

  1. I will always remember your smile and huge heart.Always positive and welcoming.I remember our long time conversations.You were humble and truly was a pleasure to meet you and spend time with you.
    You will not be forgotten your smile will always be with me. RIP Dieter.

  2. About Dieter as a father… Before I had a child, my wife and I would go to the swimming area of the river along moonshine road, near hywy 20. Many times I saw Dieter there sitting while Max played in the water. He must have been 10-12 at this time so he did not need much attention. The river had a pretty strong current and Max would swim against the current and play while Dieter sat nearby. What alway struck me was the connection I felt between them although they were doing nothing together. Dieter was providing an opportunity and an atmosphere that Max could use to enjoy and strengthen himself. It was beautiful to me to see Dieter quietly providing this gift to his son. I never forgot that and it became one of my inspirations as a parent.

  3. Dear Friend Dieter, I remember our many hours together with great pleasure. Your unfailing warmth, and your acceptance of the difficulties of your life were inspiring to me. Bless you always.

  4. I first meet Dieter in Budapest at a large gathering sometime in the 1990’s. We had not yet met but saw each other across a square balcony at the Opera House – he just spread his arms wide in welcome. It was such a joyful expression of his being – warm, welcoming, emotional. Whether it was his love for his son, when he talked about his tea tree farm in New Zealand or when he simply walked into Apollo D’oro, it was with a sense of joy and living fully. We will miss you my friend.

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