Peter Morrow

Peter Morrow-3 cropped

January 30, 1946 - October 31, 2019

Dear Friends,


Peter Morrow, a beloved member of the Fellowship of Friends, completed his task on October 31 at 10:45 am in an airplane crash in Florida while piloting his own plane. A mechanic was flying with him, testing electrical equipment. Peter would have turned seventy-four this coming January 30th.


Peter joined the Fellowship in the New Haven Center on May 1, 1979.  He has been part of centers in New York, London, and Apollo, where he has lived since 2001.


Peter had a deep commitment to the Fellowship and to supporting and beautifying Apollo. He expressed his love of presence and of sharing presence by hosting students at his home at Apollo and his hotel in Jamaica. His passion for flying was central to his play, and many students will remember flying with Peter in his plane.


Robert said that it is a strong shock for the school that happened on Halloween, and that it is much worse than the death of his mother. Nothing wrong occurred with Peter.


On behalf of all who knew you, we thank thee.


In loving presence,
The Elysian Society


Epitaph: The contemplation of beauty
Causes the soul to grow wings

Peter Morrow - 800

Funeral Service Text:  Peter Morrow – 2019-11

Fix your course to a star and you can navigate through any storm.
Leonardo da Vinci


24 thoughts on “Peter Morrow

  1. A sunny July day, flying above the Berkshire in a 2 seat Cessna, doors removed, we steered the plane by taking turns on the rudder pedals, landing in the freshly mowed grass at Canaan Airport. A long time ago, but really yesterday.

  2. Thanks Peter for the great times together. And you were right. I know better now. RIP. You will not be forgotten.

  3. Peter’s death has left me stunned.
    When I moved to Apollo in 1997, I had the good fortune of meeting Peter early on. It didn’t take long for him to go from being ‘The Student with the Plane’ to being a good friend and fellow spiritual-traveler. Some great conversations happened in that cockpit, as well as later when our time at Apollo overlapped. He would invite me up to his house for dinner or tea, or we’d arrange to fly down to The Getty for a museum visit, or up to the Lost Coast for lunch. Each trip was unique and memorable.

    Peter was not the sedentary type. He was often going from one place to another.
    And after moving to the Midwest, I’d sometimes get a call or message as he made his way East to his beloved cabin in the Adirondacks. He always wanted to share those things which brought him serenity and beauty. He put the invitations out there to so many friends and acquaintances as a way to share and value the time that we had to be together.

    I thought there’d be another opportunity, Peter. I was looking forward to it; I imagined that time would surely be available to finally make it out East or down to the resort. Therein lies the lesson. As it is, thanks again for all your generosity, perseverance, and acceptance. I’ll think of you every time I see a picture by Winslow Homer, one of your favorite painters.

  4. When asked why he liked to fly so much, Peter responded it was because he would see the many things that people who traveled on ordinary roads would never see.

  5. A Poem to Peter
    Paris, October 31 2019

    Carrying a Work book by your side
    Prepare like a warrior
    Not knowing when someone perhaps will see it
    Mastering the invisible while walking in a visible world
    Leaving a fragrance of flowers behind you
    For those who can smell it
    The flickering light burns
    Day by day, face to face with life
    Seeing with your inner eyes
    Facing the sun
    Your bravery not from fighting
    Your strength is within
    Standing strong facing the wind
    Burn with fire
    Cleanse by Uncreated Light
    I stand in front of a Buddha in the Guimet museum
    Tears falling down like the falling Autumn leaves in the streets of Paris
    I hear a voice,”Don’t cry” 
    I smile with gratitude
    Remembering the moments with shared
    Talking about how to convey the teachings
    How to spread the seeds of knowledge
    Perhaps a quite moment in front of the fire place
    A simple dinner together 
    Remembering your smile
    You said to me “See you in November” 

  6. When I think of Peter I remember his open, welcoming nature full of caring, with a gracious sense of hospitality for sharing dinner in his home with an intimate gathering of friends, or opening his doors to the community for a Christmas celebration complete with enormous live fir tree decorated with ribbon, glass balls and lights, trays of appetizers, wine and Apollo Arts musicians and singers. He had class!
    We will miss you Peter, and wish to buoy you up with our highest thoughts and love on your new adventure. Love, Marcia

  7. In the Late 90’s Peter and I used to live among other students in the Villa Baccetti.
    On one summer afternoon while approaching the main door of the Villa, I noticed Peter sitting on the far side of the lawn on a double garden soffa. It was about 50 feet away and since I noticed that the second soffa seat was empty I decided to shout to him in a humorous manner : “Is that seat for your Soul ?!”.I expected that he would laugh and return a word or two in a similar manner but instead he turned around with a surprised look and so instead of entering the villa I walked directly to the lawn area to where he was sitting. I asked him why he looked somewhat duzzled from what I have just said ?
    And he answered that he realized that there was no way I could have seen from where I was standing the book he was reading and in fact the book was at that point in the grass. He then lifted the book and showed me the title : The name of the book was “A seat for the soul”.
    It was a memorable friendly little event that created a special state for both of us and later for people who heard the story.Years later among many other friendly occurrences with Peter we would return occasionally to remember that little higher intervention.

  8. Caro Peter,
    finalmente sei riuscito a spiccare il grande volo verso il cielo dei cieli.

    Ti auguro di innalzarti fino ad albe e arcobaleni senza fine,
    in un universo di sola luce e magia, dove solo gli angeli osano volare.

    Con affetto,

  9. Dearest Peter,
    I feel privileged to call you a dear Friend, from the time we met in 1985 in New York until our last meeting in Apollo earlier this yeer. You shared so generously all you owned, and my visits to the Adirondacks with Gernot and Guinevere while living in Boston, to flying over the Everglades while I worked in Florida, to your beautiful and beloved Jamaica Inn, each place showed your love for Nature and the natural wonders that were so abundant around you, and that you appreciated so much. Thank you for sharing your beautiful house in Apollo for many dinners and concerts. May it stay within the Fellowship as a constant memory of you, perhaps to continue the concerts and dinners in your memory. For all you were and are, thank you dear Peter. I will miss you, Love Marilyn

  10. At that rememberable meeting in St.Petersburg in 2001 when some students starting put bad questions with negative energy Peter Morrow was sitting at the front. After one intimate question there was a pause and Peter started talking as shield protecting his teacher. After little while Robert said thanks to Peter asking to stop.
    When Robert began to respond there was a feeling as if the whole audience was embraced by some powerful energy.
    After that every time when I was near Peter I feel myself in safety place.

  11. Dearest Peter, You were a special friend who brought love and insight into our time together. I was fortunate to share many times together at your Adirondack camp. Coffee in the boat house and lovely simple dinners with friends who were present. You introduced me to so many fellow students who touched me with their being. You will be dearly missed, but carried always as a beautiful memory in my heart.

  12. As difficult as the shock of Peter’s physical death happening in a plane; it should be remembered that his plane is what gave him Life. He formed hundreds of friendships with his plane as well as produced his higher centers.

  13. Students’ Dinner at Peter’s Adirondack Camp
    The camp had rough edges: a few railings that you better not lean on, and only one shower. The kitchen was rudimentary and only one of the deep sinks really worked. He like to keep the dinner simple so the meal consisted usually usually three-four jars of high quality store-bought spaghetti sauce with fresh-boiled pasta for the group and a ready-made salad. Some students would bring wine for those who wished.
    We spoke together, a little, about the Work; and afterward the group usually went down to the boat house to enjoy beautiful colors in the September New York trees, and light reflecting from the waters, where Peter’s yellow sea-plane bobbed gently. More than once, we saw him raise his hand in a particular moment toward the natural beauty, to say, “Look: this is what it’s really about.”

  14. Peter Morrow’s completed role was certainly a shock for us all and an opportunity to stay in ourselves while we remember him with joy. His love for you, his disposition to support the School and his fellow students and to share the beauty of the Jamaica Inn with many of us, created many memorable moments that remain with us. We thank him for being part of this wonderful pilgrimage.

  15. Dear Peter, I will always remember a wonderful flight with you when we went through the middle of a rainbow in the shape of a circle. Like a symbol of our common voyage to something higher. I’ll remember you with love. Christopher

  16. Dear Peter,

    My human heart will miss your ever gentle and caring soul.

    Yet, my spirit knows that we shall meet again in the divine eternity.

    United in time,
    Separated in time,
    To be reunited when time is no more.

    I still feel you, Love Marcus

  17. Having journeyed through highlands and lowlands, peaks, and valleys, we’re arriving or have arrived at the terminus.

    The next phase of the journey is a mystery….that ‘undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns’

    The part of our journey that we traversed together Peter, was as enjoyable for me as it was enlightening.

    Let me embrace you and kiss you as you depart dear friend. I gaze longingly and lovingly as you depart on that next journey which, we all will eventually take.

    Your embarkation was an inspiration. I hope mine own will be as firm as yours.

    Goodbye, God-bless, thank you for the wine, the roses, and affection.

  18. I feel very thankful for all the efforts made by Peter to convey the School and the Teaching; and for his constant generosity and good will, his simplicity and his contagious enthusiasm.

  19. When Peter was five years old, I was eight. I have a clear memory of being at Morrow’s House of Nuts, Peter’s family’s business, on Main Street in Downtown Bridgeport Connecticut, and watching Peter play behind the counter and smiling at me. We actually recognized each other and spoke about it when we met again almost seventy years later. Our travels together in his plane and on my boat at Rodney Collins Lake will remain with me as long as I remain. Rest well my friend; you will be sorely missed by all who knew you.

  20. Dearest and Lovely Friend,

    Thank for taking us with you to fly, and for you beautiful Presence and blue eyes.
    May you continue your journey to the Highest in Love and Uncreated Light.


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